WEIRDLAND: New stills of Kirsten Dunst in "Melancholia"

Monday, July 11, 2011

New stills of Kirsten Dunst in "Melancholia"

New 'Melancholia' stills, poster and behind the scenes shots featuring Kirsten Dunst


  1. countsheep9:11 PM

    Kirsten looks so marvellous in this film, one of her best performances, is it out yet? have a good weekend, Kendra!

  2. Kirsten won her Palme d'Or Award for Best Actress in "Melancholia" 4 November 2011 in Cannes Festival (deservedly, according to film critics). In France the theatrical release is on 10th August and in USA on 4th November 2011.

    Happy weekend, countsheep! ♥
