WEIRDLAND: Jake Gyllenhaal Does His Own Stunts in 'Man Vs. Wild' videos

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal Does His Own Stunts in 'Man Vs. Wild' videos

VIDEO: 'Man Vs. Wild' Preview: Guest Adventurer Jake Gyllenhaal's Insurance Company Will Freak Out

He's lived inside a bubble, confronted an intergalactic bunny and even herded sheep in Wyoming backcountry. But as Bear Grylls's companion on Man vs. Wild, Jake Gyllenhaal is out of his element like never before.
"Gyllenhaal joins outdoorsman Grylls on a two-day trek across Iceland. Traversing terrain dominated by mountains, glaciers and icy waters, the duo copes with some of the worst conditions known to man, all in the name of adventure. Gyllenhaal, 30, looks on with bemusement, even proclaiming an edible root – a Viking delicacy, according to Grylls – "tasty." And then he is presented with the main course: a worm". Source:

The Hollywood Reporter has an advanced look at two sneak peeks from the star’s adventure with Grylls as he takes on Iceland’s mountains, huge glaciers and active volcanoes.
In the clip above, we find that crossing between two mountains becomes a scary prospect for the movie star. But he actually takes a brave lead in the second clip below as he maneuvers over a frozen mountaintop where the risk of falling through a snow trap is a very real threat.

"Gyllenhaal carefully crawls over a single rope in between two mountains as Bear looks on, casually commenting as the movie star shakes his way over the sky-high line. Gyllenhaal slowly moves forward before glancing down -- probably not the best idea. This is about the time he could use some of that "Donnie Darko" bravery -- you know, once he figures out that whole demented bunny thing". Source:

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