WEIRDLAND: Strategy Games Online

Friday, February 19, 2010

Strategy Games Online

Can WoW survive the zombie apocalypse?

World of Warcraft (WoW) made a debut on the big screen in Zombieland, the new horror/comedy staring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg.
In the movie, Eisenberg's character (Columbus) is a self-proclaimed WoW junky and is enjoying his adventure through Azeroth just before the zombie apocalypse begins. e capped the flag in the Alliance flag room.The characters are as follows: a Questgiver, Grom Hellscream, a Forest Troll, a Shade, and a night Elf Hunter.

Columbus is narrating about how he spends his nights absorbed playing World of warcraft through a night female Elf Hunter, and he's shown playing a battleground in the game known as Warsong Gultch. While it is showing him playing he gains a very simple and easily rewarded achievement in the game for capturing a flag for the first time in the battleground, which could lead us to think he doesn't have too much gaming experience or he can be using an alternate character in order to level his position up.
Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus, driving away from the ravenous zombies in "Zombieland" (2009).
Left 4 Dead is a video game where the four survivors must fight off infected humans while trying to escape or find a safe place.

Most of the low level player content in World of Warcraft today remains the same as it was when it was first launched in 2004. The trial players who play World of Warcraft pass level 10 are much more likely to stick with the game for a long time. Currently, only about 30% of the trial players make it past this threshold.
The Pandaren Monk started as an April Fool's joke for "WarCraft 3" and has since grown to become apart of the "WarCraft" canon. The latest appearance of the martial arts-saavy, panda-esque race was as an in-game pet in "World of WarCraft".

Gearing up in World of WarCraft can be tough, even if you've been 80 for awhile. Patch 3.3 introduced a lot of new options to help gear up players to hop right into the later raids and instances.

Notes for Fresh Level 80s: If you’ve just hit level 80 then you’re going to be hitting a massive wall known as the new gear score checks placed into the dungeon finder. These gear score checks will check the total gear score of your equipped armor and weapons to determine if you’re allowed to queue for an instance or not.
Gearing up for Heroics:

A score of 3,000 to 4,000 is the minimum for PuG dungeon finder heroics. You can get by with 2,000-3,000ish but it may be difficult and a lot easier to do with a guild or group of friends. You can go with less than that, but be prepared to take flack, you'll need a lot of practice to go from being “n00b” to being “1337”. Although GearScore isn't as important as the base stats, though, or player skill.

The Tank & Healer Dilemma: The GearScore addon is a helpful tool to know how your gear is doing, but is just a tool. Tanks and Healers need to bring a lot more than DPS to heroics. If you can do 2,500 sustained DPS then you’re fine in a heroic, if not perfect. If you can’t heal the tank and he dies then oops! Here is a trick often used: If you want to gear up to heal, say as a Priest, then start gearing yourself up to heal but keep in Shadow. Epic healing gear is way better than blue DPS gear for DPS.

If you’re a Paladin, it’s a bit trickier, since spell plate and ret plate are two different things. The trick here is to get just enough gear to do 2,000 or 2,500 DPS and then farm heroics as DPS until you can load up on spell plate (or greed some healing leather/cloth). For tanks, you can craft a good bit of Titansteel to get defense capped, but until then you’re useless as a tank and will just have to run heroics with a makeshift DPS set.
You can make 245 bracers and a chest with Crusader Orbs. Once you’re over 2,000 or 2,100WoW-heroes gear score you can easily get into some of the pugable raids like VoA where there is a chance to get some additional loot (and badges). Your ultimate goal is to reach a combined score of about 2,200 (for 10 man Trial of the Crusader) or 2,400 (for 25 man ToC or 10 man Icecrown Citadel) WoW-Heroes score or about 4500 or more for ToC and 5500 for ICC from the gear score addon.

Castle Breaker's Battleplate:
For DPS plate, Castle Breaker's Battleplate and Gatecrasher's Gauntlets are higher ilevel than the base tier 10. The tier 10 4 piece set bonus is actually pretty nice for DPS. When you've got a good rotation, that damage buff will never drop. So it's recommendable that you leave behind the extra stuff and go for the 4 piece bonus anyway. Source:

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