WEIRDLAND: Powerful Preview of "The Prince of Persia"

Monday, November 02, 2009

Powerful Preview of "The Prince of Persia"

"The preview was short but powerful. We caught two runs of the trailer; what stood out was the movies that inspired the game easily transitioned back onto the big screen. Feeling a mash-up of Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Pirates movies, the execution plays right into the expectations of a blockbuster summer movie, pushing effects and over-the-top action sequences in exotic locations in every sequence shown. From what we saw the "rewind" feature functioned well in the movie.Our preview was brief and our impressions are still building, but it should fill the summer blockbuster slot well with creator of the series Jordan Mechner at the helm, who has helped guide the concept since 2004. Notably, he's overseen all of the script rewrites and has the final say with all adaptations; the latest rewrite tried (ultimately failed) to include elements from the 2008 game. However, they'd love to do the trilogy.When producer Jerry Bruckheimer was asked if he'd played the game, or if he'd "Michael Bay'd it", he responded he had before taking up the offer for the film. Questioned further if he'd beaten it, he replied, "No of course not, it's too hard."

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