WEIRDLAND: "New Moon" portraits

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Friday, November 13, 2009

"New Moon" portraits

"Star-Crossed Lovers. On November 20, New Moon will take the Twilight spectacle to new heights with more action, more angst and a exotic locale far away from rainy Forks, Washington. The second installment of Stephenie Meyer's breathy vampire tomes draws its audience deeper into the relationship between 105-year old high schooler Edward Cullen (played by heartthrob Robert Pattinson) and his human girlfriend Bella (Kristen Stewart) even as the ultimate mixed relationship hits a rough spot. Meanwhile Native American Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), who just happens to be a werewolf, makes his move."Access Hollywood has learned that the “New Moon” star will have a never-before-seen clip from the upcoming film with him, as well.

The scene will also feature co-star Kristen Stewart in her role as Bella Swan – no word if Taylor, as Jacob Black, will have his shirt on or not." Source:

Robert Pattinson, Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen has a good reason to look perpetually crestfallen — and it's not because he's got to sit through decades of high school English classes to disguise the fact that vampires don't age. He's in love with a human. Further, he's burdened with the belief that taking the next relational step — turning her into a vampire — will also suck away her soul. That is heavy and even Dr. Phil would concur it's a legit reason to take a relationship break.
Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black
Taylor Lautner pushed his already admirable physique into a new world to reflect Jacob Black's maturation during New Moon. No longer Bella's cute-best buddy, he's an angry young man with a six-pack stomach, biceps that can kill and one big-hairy secret. Okay, we'll tell you, he's actually part of a lupine neighborhood watch patrol — for vampires! And he's also got two big brown eyes out for Bella, yet another reason to hate rival Edward Cullen.
Kristen Stewart, Bella Swan
As Bella Swan, she's a headstrong and klutzy every-woman with relationship issues she just can't update her Facebook page with. But imagine if she could? "Just got dumped by my second undead guy in like two weeks :(" Stewart spends much of the movie dealing with the pain of uber break-ups and experimenting with thrill-seeking to forget her woes, but pulls it together in an effort to save her true-love.
Dakota Fanning, Jane
Fanning goes from precocious to downright creepy as a red-eyed member of vampire royalty called the Volturi. Her special vampire talent — the ability to make humans feel pain just by looking at them. Fanning says she relished going to the dark side, especially when it came to the cool robed costume and the red contact lens. "That was my highlight," she says.

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