WEIRDLAND: Emile Hirsch birthday Project

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Emile Hirsch birthday Project

"So here’s the deal: Emile’s birthday is on March 13th, and we all wanted to do something special for him this year. We are going to be creating a fan scrapbook and sending it to him! So we are asking you, if you have any messages, or videos, graphics or photos, to send them in so that we can create the ultimate scrapbook. You have until March 1st, which is when I will be collecting all of the information and submissions to create the scrapbook". To send Emile a message you can click the image above or here.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    THANK YOU for the plug!

    The more Emile fans, the better. ;)

  2. it's my pleasure calling all the possible Emile's fans out there!
    Welcome to Weirdland, Angela!
