WEIRDLAND: Jake - a prospective juror

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jake - a prospective juror

"Jake Gyllenhaal has more important things to do today than Reese Witherspoon -- he's a prospective juror in a misdemeanor battery case in an L.A. courtroom.
Jake was just told to take his hat off inside the courtroom.

UPDATE: Jake has finally been excused for the day -- but he hasn't been excused from the case.

While inside the courtroom, Jake was allowed to go through voir dire (the juror questioning process) in a private room". Source:


  1. So really does vote if he got jury duty. Not that I ever doubted it. LOL!

  2. I like seeing Jake exercising his civic responsibilities as possible Juror, appearing and not trying to make excuses.

  3. That is very sexy. I love how responsible he is.

  4. yes, there are moments for being responsible following the rules and other times for breaking them ;)
