WEIRDLAND: Jake and Reese in London

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jake and Reese in London

Jake with Reese shopping in London, October 10.
Pictures courtesy by


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Jake and Reese look so happy, I sure enjoy seeing them together. Thank you Kendra. Also have you heard a rumor?? that Jake's Mom and Dad are splitting up?

  2. I'm afraid I heard a rumour several months ago, Gail. I heard there were problems in Jake's parents' marriage since Jake's father published his poems book, anyway I hope they work on it, because Stephen and Naomi look great together.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Wonderful pictures of Jake and Reese. They look lovely together. :) And Jake is looking very yummy!

    You have a great blog here, Kendra!

  4. thank you, get real!!
    I'm so glad you appreciate my blog, and Reese seems very happy in Jake's company -who wouldn't be?
