WEIRDLAND: Dropping his awkward character a bit

Monday, September 08, 2008

Dropping his awkward character a bit

"Michael Cera, though... I look at this performance as his dry run for Scott Pilgrim. Truth be told, I had serious reservations about Cera taking that role. The character is one that I love very dearly and I have very specific thoughts about who he is and what he's like. Michael Cera, whose persona has always been that of a more than slightly awkward nerd, a guy who is smarter than everybody around him but sort of uncomfortable with that, a guy whose stumbling way with words charmingly disarms the potent bombs he can drop, plays somebody else here. He drops that Arrested Development/Superbad character and, while his delivery is similar, plays a guy with a lot more self-confidence and conviction. He's not a tough guy or a stud, and he's maybe a little on the emo side of things, but he's not intimidated by everything and everyone around him. He's more self-possessed. And he's playing a guy in a band - seeing Cera in skinny jeans and holding a guitar makes for a good segue into Scott". Source:

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