WEIRDLAND: Tracey fragments

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Tracey fragments

"If you're in Boston, Houston, or Cleveland, you get a chance to check out THE TRACEY FRAGMENTS on the big screen.

If you live in Boston, you have two more days to catch Tracey over at the highly esteemed (and for good reason) Brattle Theater. Tickets are available here: (and while you're there, don't forget to pick up tickets for a July 10th double feature of Polanski's THE TENANT and REPULSION, and probably best to make an appointment with your therapist afterward to heal your shattered nerves).

If you live in Houston, now's the time! Tracey starts tonight at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in their state-of-the-art Brown Auditorium. She'll be around for one show per day- but hurry, because the last show is Saturday night. Tickets are available here: Source: (and while you're there- On August 6th, they've got Wong Kar Wei's DAYS OF BEING WILD, which absolutely demands a big screen viewing).

On Saturday, July 5 at 9:40pm, and Sunday, July 6th at 7pm,, be at the Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque, sit down in their plush seats, and let Tracey take you on a nice, dark ride. Tickets are available at the venue (and with 616 seats, no need to worry about a sellout), and you should most certainly pick up some tickets to the hip-hop breakin' documentary, PLANET B-BOY.
For those of you in Toronto who have missed The Tracey Fragments in it's big screen awesomeness, or just want a chance to see it again and catch up with the director Bruce McDonald.

Come out this SUNDAY JULY 6TH to THE ROYAL - 9.15pm
608 College Street. DVD Launch - Giveaways of DVDs (with bonus features including interviews on the set with Ellen Page and Bruce McDonald), the original soundtrack album - featuring new music by Broken Social Scene, comic books and even a few of the exclusive and impossible to buy anywhere Posters!

ALSO - a special screening of the some of the finalists and winning entries of the Tracey: Re-Fragmented contest, cut from footage of the film.

and FINALLY, a special sneak peek at something new from director Bruce McDonald".

The Tracey Fragments is available on DVD everywhere JULY 8th: Source:


  1. Great movie poster, but could you please remind me briefly what the film is about, Kendra?
    Should I add it to the list of must-see movies that I have to find somehow around the world because there's noway I will be able to watch it in Italian theatres? :/

  2. If you love "indie" cinema, "The Tracey Fragments" is a must-see, Xenia, McDonald's directing is almost a "happening" experience. He split the screen into a variety of quadrants that he uses to portray the same events but from different angles.

    Also this is one good chance to watch a risky role by Ellen Page. "How do you know what's real and what's not when the whole world is inside your head?" Tracey asks.

    The Tracey Fragments is a travel inside the young femenine mindset.
    I've already watched it with subtitles and I liked it very much ;)

  3. Thanks Kendra, you're really too much for me. ;)
