WEIRDLAND: Flirting and eating

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Flirting and eating

-Scott Lunke, a visitor from Gettysburg, S.D., saw Stanley Tucci in the Nordstrom shoe department last week. Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal were at A16 on Thursday, where a spy says they were "kissing and eating." Source:

"Guess who is back in town to tempt us with their cuteness? Yes, Jake and Reese are continuing their SF gourmet tours! They had lunch at Zuni last Thursday, where they sat at my favorite table (on the bridge overlooking the oven below), and ordered the house-cured anchovies and a salad, plus a chicken sandwich and grouper. To drink, they walked on the wild side with some lemongrass tea and apple juice. From my source: “Reese seemed a little aloof, but Jake (still looking nice and buff) was trying to warm her up by playing Mr. Flirty-flirt with her—even smooched with her. So effing cute!”


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I can't beleive we haven't seen pics from the set of "Brothers" yet!!

  2. Yes, I wonder the same, please we want to see Jake plus Tobey plus Natalie!
