WEIRDLAND: "I told you so"

Monday, October 15, 2007

"I told you so"

Do you remember my recent depressing rant the other day? about an uncaring ruthless world which devours us slowly while we wink to our future friends? Well, I hate to be right, but one small proof of that: my account on Youtube has been suspended, I don't know what to say, so I wont's say anything, we live in a PC wonderful world anyway, and as my husband said to me "I told you, your videos were too good for Youtube".
Another gross day in paradise, dear weirdos.


  1. They can suspend an account like that? Gross, indeed! :(

    I'm sorry Kendra, but remember that there's nothing personal against you in what happened, you know, it's just that the world is chaos...

  2. What? Why? have you contacted to youtube's assistance? too many questions, but it seems so unfair! Cheer up, Kendra, you'll find some type of solution I hope...

  3. It's sad for me because nobody has explained me anything, there were 56 videos uploaded, if by any chance one of them infringed copyright, they could have deleted that one, not all of them and the account.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Sorry about that Kendra; it must seem very unfair them doing this without any explanation whatsoever.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I'm really sorry,Kendra.
    I hope they'll offer a way of fixing this or at leat an explanation

  6. I hope they'll offer a way of fixing this or at leat an explanation
    I'm afraid they won't, but thanks for the support.
