WEIRDLAND: Reese's companions

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Reese's companions

Possible romance with Jake? Hmmm, how did Reese's other romances end? Does Reese have so much chemistry with Jake as with other of her partenaires? Let's see:
With Mark Wahlberg, whom Reese starred in "Fear" (1996).
With Joaquin Phoenix, whom she shared main roles in the Johnny Cash's biopic "Walk the line" (20005), Reese won an Oscar for her performance as June Carter.
Reese with Ryan Phillippe, which will be soon her ex-husband, they hooked up during the shooting of "Cruel Intentions" (1999).


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I read somewhere that Reese and Mark Wahlberg dated briefly after shooting "Fear".They did have good chemistry at the film but Mark reminds me of a spoiled college student for some reason.
    Reese and Joaquin had very good chemistry in "Walk the line" (although I think her chemistry with Josh Lucas in "Sweet Home Alabama" was the best).
    I don't understand however why her fans want her to date him so much, he looks too "creepy" for her.
    Ryan Phillipe is a good looking man (when he doesn't dress like a drug dealer and when he doesn't look too sour) but I get major a$$hole vibe from him.

    I'm going to sound like a romantic idiot but I do think Jake is the best match for her

  2. That's good, we're running out of romantics in this plastic sex hit & run era. Josh Lucas? I'll have to check him out, I don't know much about him. Mark Wahlberg gives me a bigger asshole vibe than Ryan, go figure. Ryan alwyas seemed to me so plain, in movies he's monotonous if compared with Joaquin Phoenix... or Jake.

  3. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Reese and mark look good together
    in that one picture,but i think he
    acts a little bit to cocky for her.
    and jake he...acts okay with her
    but if they are dating i would say
    she probaly just wants someone she
    could trust for now.ryan he is a complete idiot for cheating on her
    even if he did im not for sure joaquin them two had
    amazing chemistry on screen it was
    like you was watching johnny and june not joaquin and reese.

  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Oh gosh we all know who Reese has
    got best chemistry with!Joaquin
    Phoenix,well at least in my opinion.I thought her and Mark had
    chemistry in Fear.I used to be a fan of her and Ryan when i first saw cruel intentions-i loved their
    chemistry but im not a fan of them
    no more.He reminds me of a little
    prissy boy that likes to make fun of everyone.Jakie is alright but
    he doesnt't do much for me.

  5. Khaos, Jr.10:35 AM

    With all respect due to Reese's current husband and their son, I have trouble believing that she and/or Ryan were ever anything but devoted to each other. It's ironic enough that they divorced just a week after their ninth anniversary! Moreover, I'm convinced that Reese and Ryan simply became busier than either of them expected to be, when they agreed not to work together on the same know, so that one of them would always be there for Deacon and Ava. (What was the problem with just bringing the kids along and making a family vacation out of the shoot? Isn't that what on-the-set tutors are for?) They certainly wouldn't be the first couple whose marriage ended primarily over their being more like pen pals than spouses.
