WEIRDLAND: Anne's Weight

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Anne's Weight

"Anne Hathaway has spoken out against movie industry execs for perpetuating the myth that actresses should be thin, insisting no one should be forced into a size zero.

The "Devil Wears Prada" star says she has turned down roles because of pressure from directors to lose weight. [...] I'm not a size zero, and I've had directors say to me, 'You're the best actress for the role, but you've put on weight recently.' If people can't understand you've put on five pounds, I don't want to deal with them."



  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I like her. (And I cannot believe that someone would tell someone who looks like her, that she needs to lose weight..!).

  2. Thanks, Acwo, welcome to Weirdland, I checked out your blog and the videos you upload are cool ;)

    And welcome to Weirdland back, Penny Lane!

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    WOW, Anne is gorgeous and has a great figure. Good for her for not caving into the demands to be stick. It's one thing for an actress whose natural body type is to be very thin but for TPTB to try and force all women into that body image is so wrong.

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Lovely photos of Anne, Kendra.
    She's a really gorgeous girl but sadly underratted as an actress imo

  5. Yes, this weekend I watched "Havoc" (where Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Matt O'Leary from "Brick" appear briefly) and it's not an easy task the performance Anne gave in an uneven movie about Latino gangs in L.A.
