WEIRDLAND: A pinch of Rudeness

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A pinch of Rudeness


"The journalist warned her it was "a channel where people don't swear". She replied, "Where people don't swear? F**king nutbag!"
Source:, 2-12-07.

"There was plenty of rudeness to go around on both sides, not just from the famous but from the fans as well. From one who stood for hours on the red carpet to hopefully get a photo with Kate Winslet, I can attest to it. Most notably, with Jake Gyllenhaal, who was gracious with his time and generous to a fault. As he stopped to sign for someone next to me a man rudely yelled practically in his face 'are you gay' over and over and Jake gave the most brilliant look at me and the girl whose paper he was signing. We all three were embarrassed for him (the man, not Jake). Jake loudly said 'no' back to shut the bloke up. This apparently did not satisfy and the man said 'bisexual', Jake laughed no, looking straight at me, as if he couldn't believe it. I think my jaw was hanging at the man's audacity. I must have looked so funny. The man finally shouted 'dating Austin' (redundantly, for hello, it's a man's name) and Jake laughed and said 'no' again before moving on. Anyway it was the most comical and surreal moment for my brush with celebrity and made me grateful I'm just a nurse. I wouldn't have had the patience with such rudeness."
Source:, found by Penny Lane.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    the one about Jake is thick skinned this boy has to be to not let idiots like that get to him!!

    the one about Helen is quite funny!!

  2. Funny, but is that appropriate talk from a "queen"?
