WEIRDLAND: Josh and Jake

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Josh and Jake

Josh Hartnett hanging out with fashion model Daria Werbowy.

Jake posing with Daria Werbowy in a photoshoot for Vogue mag.

and the inevitable comparison: Josh and Jake laughing with Kirsten Dunst.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Kirsten on Josh Hartnett (who was in 'The Virgin Suicdes:
    "I didn't think he was good-looking enough after seeing his head shot. I said, 'Sofia [Coppola, the director, who also cast Dunst to star in next year's biopic, Marie-Antoinette], are you sure?' But then I met him, and I was like, 'OK, very, very good choice, Sofia!' I was a little intimidated."
    (Source: USA Weekend Magazine of 10/9/2005).

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    i'm tagging you, babe!

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    i'm not a big fan of Josh.actually,i don't like him very much.he looks bland and his acting is kind of bland as well.
    sort of a less talented version of Heath Ledger,who despite being a good actor seems too cold and expessionless to me.

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    My thoughts on the pics of josh and jake. I like them both..however I am totally into Jake..I normally do not like Kirsten at all..however after this post I felt sorry for her. pic 1 she's totally into Josh..while he is not at all into her...not looking at her, his body language is away from her..much in the manner she is towards jake in the next picture..he is enamored with her..and she's making sure someone is getting it on film.
