WEIRDLAND: Zodiac Trailer

Friday, October 06, 2006

Zodiac Trailer

According to several sources the trailer of next Jake's movie "Zodiac" was anticipated along with the release of "The Departed" by Martin Scorsese, supposedly a remake of Chinese flick Internal Affairs (2002),but it seems it hasn't happened by all accounts, instead you can watch the trailer in this link: Zodiac Trailer, courtesy of Jacknastygirl whose sleuth work is non stop. Still exciting!!


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    the poster is very mysterious and artistic..but where the @##$% are the actors names?:(

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I have just seen this trailer and it looks a little weird, there is no Jake , it looks a little boring

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    here is the link:

  4. Thanks, Jacknastygirl, I trusted in a more action/suspense atmospheric video, and here I've watched much of technical digital stuff of David Fincher, and a horrible sin: total abscense of Jake. Let's be patient, gr77 and jacknastygirl, Jake is the star (the writer who investigated the case) after all.

  5. Anonymous11:02 PM

    i have my hopes very high for this film and it's making me very impatient :(
