WEIRDLAND: The sexy Mail-Man

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The sexy Mail-Man

An improper appropriation of mail is a federal delict and an overdose of seductiveness probably is another delict.
We won't punish him for that, though.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    oh, he looks fantastic

  2. *Sigh*
    If only real mail-men looked like this.

  3. That's what I call a warm welcoming, Simon! I've been a big fan of Jerry Lewis since "The Ladies Man" and "The nutty professor", although I don't remember watching "Living it up", it must be an important film; Jerry, Dean Martin and Janet Leigh were so fervenly acclaimed in N.Y. in 1954.

    Kokodee, my boyfriend is a mail-man and is attractive!
