WEIRDLAND: The Jealousy Test

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Jealousy Test

Okay, weird people also feel waves and cramps of jealousy in their psyches from time to time. Specially girls are supposed to be more jealous towards another females, more beautiful or more successful. I guess all this is normal, while it doesn't end in a premeditated homicide against the fortunate biatch who managed to get slimmer or win a juicy contract withouth having studied half than us. Well, I took my test, and no big surprise, I'm not jealous at all... And no, I swear I haven't forced my answers this time. My female friends always commented me that maybe I didn't show serious jealousy because I didn't show any emotion either, but maybe they were wrong and jealous and I'm cooler, hehe. Well I would like you spend one minute to take this test and find out what kind of jealous girl/guy you are. Perhaps many fans who are thinking 24/7 in Jake cannot stomach some of his exs, as Kirsten, since she got more intimicy with the coveted male. I won't lie, before of my happy relationship with my future husband, I felt more mad, but frankly I don't think Jake and me would make a great couple, I cannot surf, I'm not a sports person, I don't like so much cyclist spandex and probably my English isn't good enough... I prefer Jake as an actor than Kirsten, but I realise that she has built a prolific career. I have never fully understood as many hysterical girls hating an actress when they would probably do exactly the same in many occasions, and judge her as a rival, when they are living in a society dominated by more dangerous rivals, so these women perpetuate a vicious circle of misogyny just because they want to fuck an inexplicably handsome man and cannot.

Not a Jealous Bone in Your Body

You're secure, trusting, and giving with friends and lovers
And while you may have been hurt before, you've bounced back
You're generally happy with your life - and no one's grass is greener than yours
One word of caution: some may see your lack of jealousy as indifference!


  1. It doesn't seem that bad in your case, thesweetestone, at least you admit it's awful.
    And I have been competitive enough in the academic/laboral/professional fields, but it's curious I don't make applicable to sentymental area. I'm such a mess!

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Not a Jealous Bone in My Body...? I better go and do that test again ;)
    The fact is that I hate to be jealous

  3. Jacknastygirl, sometimes it's inevitable, but now the quote of the day: In jealousy there is more self-love than love. ~François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims, 1665.

  4. Won't you ever change, Tbl, will you? Your wisdom occupies a place in my weird heart. As evident I cannot refute your logic, I'll add another wise quote: "A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity." -Robert A. Heinlein (American sci-fi writer)

  5. Were you ever around the sort of people who brag? and rub in their success?
    Yes, but I'm not sure if anybody can feel jealous of loud mouths.
    I'm circled by dozens of braggarts in my building (in my block we are few neighbours, but this block is attached to an ampler community)in cause of a future installing of a new football camp near us, what makes them the happiest and stupidest people on earth, and make me mad, what is so cool of football for men? I'm distressed.

  6. Being bitter experiences as you say, sweetstone, I know some stories of broken friendships for jealousy first hand, as mutual girlfriends who liked the same guy, argued and never made it up. I lost some of my friendships, not for jealousy issues (I haven't been too successful in anything), but simply growing up they distanced from me after Americans call "selling to the Man". It sucks, but envy/jealousy/greed rule the world we live in.
