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Friday, August 25, 2006

Former Lookalikes & Reese

Jake, Reese and Tobey

Donnie Darko's Dark Girl

Aren't Donnie and Gretchen a paradigma of modern cinema teen romance, folks?

Sleepwalking Scene


Donnie walks into the kitchen, removes the magic marker from the
refrigerator message board.


Donnie walks to the front and exits the house.


Donnie walks down the front walk to the street.


Donnie walks down the street.


Donnie arrives next to the pin and stares off into the distance.

Helluva night for a walk... huh, Donnie?

Donnie stares off into the distance.

VOICE (cont'd)
Tonight is very special, Donnie.


I've been watching you.
Do you believe in God, Donnie?

Donnie doesn't answer. He holds his stomach, taking deep breaths.

VOICE (cont'd)
God loves his children, Donnie. God loves

There... standing on the seventh hole is a six-foot-tall figure
dressed in a grotesque bunny suit.

Donnie stares at the Bunny nervously as a wave of nausea overcomes

My name is Frank.
I want you to follow me.


I'm here to save you.
The world is coming to an end, Donnie.

Donnie doesn't answer.

FRANK (cont'd)
Look up in the sky, Donnie.

He looks up into the black night.

FRANK (cont'd)
28 days... 6 hours... 42 minutes... 12
seconds. That is when the world will end.

Donnie looks back at Frank. His expression is a vacant expanse
of confusion.

The Myth of Donald

This is one scene that I find particularly revealing about Richard Kelly fixation with a search for God, belongs to the script that was used by the cast and crew during the shooting of the film.

And when the other rabbits hear of
Fiver's vision, do they believe him?
It could be the death of an entire way of
life, the end of an era.

Why should we care?

Because the rabbits are us, Donnie.

Why should I mourn for a rabbit like it
was a human?

Is the death of one species less tragic
than another?

Of course. A rabbit is not like us. It
has no history books... it has no
knowledge of sorrow or regret. I like
bunnies and all. They're cute... and
they're horny. And if you're cute and
horny... then you're probably happy that
you don't know who you are... or why
you're even alive. But the only thing I've
known rabbits to do is have sex as many
times as possible before they die.

DONNIE (cont'd)
There's no point in crying for a dead
rabbit... who never feared death to begin

The class is silent for a moment.

You're wrong.
You're wrong about these rabbits. These
rabbits can talk. They are the product of
the authors imagination. And he cares for
them. So we care for them too. We care
that their home has been destroyed... and
that their lives are in danger. Otherwise
...we've missed the point.

But aren't we forgetting the miracle of
storytelling? The dea ex machina. The god
machine. That is how the rabbits are saved.

Vintage Song for Jake

"i've seen her face
in those scented magazines
all is forgivin'
i love her still
and we're home, home
goin' home
the chrysler building
was talkin' to the empire state
the twin towers
were talkin' to each other
sayin' all is forgivin'
i love you still
and we're home, home
goin' home
what she saw in him
nobody knew
it's a mystery
what she saw in him
nobody could tell
now it's history
all is forgivin'
i love her still
and we're home,
home goin' home" (Song by LUNA)

Vintage song to Jake

"They say the devil's in the details
I know what they mean
I'm walking in the wasteland
With the Ghost in the Machine

There's a simulated sunset
Starlight in my eyes
The skies are filled with miracles
And half of them are lies

Are you real or not?
It's a fine line
Are you ready or not
For the light of day
Are you real or not?
These are strange times
And I don't want to live this way

When you wake up from a nightmare
And it's worse when you're awake
And there's no one you can turn to
And there's nothing you can take

Are you real or not?
It's a fine line
Are you ready or not
For the light of day ?
Are you real or not?
These are strange times
And I don't want to live this way" (Song by Warren Zevon)

Back to the present

23/08, Peter and Maggie attended a screening in N.Y. of "Sherrybaby" film by Laurie Collyer, and it's planned another screening on Aug.30 a Back Stage program, in conjunction with The Hollywood Reporter, will offer another free screening of Sherrybaby in NYC. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Maggie.
Officially selected for Sundance and winner of best picture and best actress awards at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, Sherrybaby tells the story of Sherry Swanson, a woman who returns home to New Jersey after a three-year prison sentence. As she tries to re-establish a relationship with her daughter. The screening will be held: August 30, 2006, 7:30 p.m. at The IFC Center 323 Avenue of the Americas, NYC.

Source: Backstage

Weird Vintage 5

This was titled PRÊT À PORTER JAKE (so French, folks): Style + Sadness= Hotness, I tried to soften my neck/throat pain posting things absurd like if a mathematical equation was the most "rad" thing to define the Gyllencharm.

Weird Vintage 4

"Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything
Come on, wild thing

Wild thing, I think you move me
But I gotta know for sure
Come on and hold me tight
Oh you move me

Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything
Come on, wild thing

Wild thing, I think I need you
But I gotta know for sure
Come on and squeeze me tight
Oh I need it

Wild thing..."
Song by The Troggs.

Weird Vintage 3

Do you remember THE PERFECT GUY? Sure you do.

Jake Weird Vintage 2

CONFUSSION AND HOPE BLURRED LINE, wow I was really ill and fevered when this crossed my mind. I passed through a hellish convalescence, I contracted two throat infections and a dermatomycosis, I was suministrated more than 20 Penilevel and Celestone injections, then all complicated indefinitely with a Epstein-Barr virus, which provoked me, and still it does, chronic fatigue, yeah, I didn't feel very optimistic by then. This suffering was prolongued with some nasty pyramidal effects resulting from mixing Dogmatil with Lyrica/Pfizer (for neurologic regeneration), and I ended, together my boyfriend our anniversary night in "ER", with a convulsions attack. I was interned for a week in Zaragoza. I hated the world, as same Holden did in Arteta's film, and my cervical vertebras suffered to the point I barely could swallow any food during more than a month, xerostomia popped up and Xero Lacer was my friend, together antidepressives and muscular relaxing pills. I'm not a whiner, but I just wanted to remember it to myself, because I'm a tough girl (not really), a ballsy person (neither)... a routine survivor, or just a poor schmock, as Kokodee called me.

Jake Weird VINTAGE 1

That first picture-post was named "Our youth is now a memory". This photo of Jake is one of my Top 10 favs, in fact it was his first photo that impressed me.